ICAO High-level Meeting on a Global Market-Based Measure (MBM) Scheme (Completed)

Wednesday, 11 May 2016 8:00 AM – Friday, 13 May 2016 4:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time)
The need for this High-level Meeting stems from a Resolution of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly (Montréal, 24 September to 4 October 2013) which decided to develop a global MBM scheme for international aviation. The High-level Meeting will focus deliberations on draft Assembly Resolution text on a global MBM scheme and make recommendations to the 208th Session of the Council, in preparation for the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly.

Prior to the High-level meeting, a briefing will be conducted on 10 May 2016 from 1500 to 1800 hours in Conference Room 3 to familiarize participants that have not benefited from attending the ICAO Global Aviation Dialogues (GLADs). The briefing will review the basic elements of the global MBM proposal, as contained in the draft Assembly Resolution text.

Tuesday May 10 from 1300 hours to 1700 hours
Wednesday May 11 from 0730 hours to 1000 hours, on-call thereafter.
Thursday May 12 from 0800 hours to 1000 hours, on-call thereafter.
Topic: Global Market-Based Measure (MBM) Scheme
Event Address:
999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard
Montreal, CANADA, H3C 5H7
Contact Information: vmuraca@icao.int
Registration is closed