ICAO Regional Meeting of the Ministers in Charge of Travel Documents (Completed)

Thursday, 12 February 2015 2:00 PM – Friday, 13 February 2015 10:00 PM (GMT Standard Time)
ICAO, in collaboration with the Government of Morocco, will host a Regional Meeting of Ministers in charge of travel documents.

The Meeting will build on the Rabat Declaration of 2013, which lays the groundwork for a framework of political consultation, operational cooperation, and to follow up the implementation of the Tripoli action plan, emanating from the first Regional Ministerial Conference on Border Security, held in Tripoli on 11, 12 March 2012.

A “Plan of Action” is to be adopted by States, which will assist them, as well as International Organizations to achieve the goals specified in the Rabat Declaration of 2013.
Topic: MRTD
Event Address:

Contact Information: SJOSEPH@icao.int
Registration is closed